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Sunday, November 21, 2021


The new Groove FM online audio stream currently being tested. Give it a try on right =>

Unfortunately our Streaming host appears to have shut down without warning and the stream is currently unavailable. We are considering our options for the future and working to get it restored.

While you're experiencing what it would be like to be with out Groove, please consider donating money now!

We urgently need to replace some equipment and find a new host to ensure this doesn't happen in the future.

At the moment we aren't running any commercials on-air and we like it that way but we can't maintain it let alone replace equipment unless more good people like you subscribe or donate. If you'd like to keep Groove on-air and commercial free, please use the buttons to the right :)
Stream sponsorship is available too.
Please let us know if you would like to sponsor the stream for a mere NZ$30 a week. Contact details bottom right of this page.

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