Tuesday, October 07, 2008
The Woolshed Sessions: Did you catch the Interview with Jess Chambers and Age Pryor?

LA Mitchell In town for 1 Show

Just in LA Mitchell the Canterbury Jazz/Soul Singer is in Town to release here new album "Lve at the Matterhorn"
Playing at the Famous Matterhorn 8 October
- contact them on 03 849918
Background:: The evening of April 23, 2008 was a watershed moment for LA Mitchell as she prepared to perform. This was no ordinary gig, nor was it an ordinary venue. It was a triumphant return to Wellington to play at the world famous Matterhorn, following in the giant footsteps of Fat Freddy's Drop at the same venue that catapulted them to heights never before reached in NZ music.
For the entirely independent Kiwi musician, the performance represented a significant new stage in her career, when she would build on the success of her acclaimed 2007 album Debut with an album that would solidify her status as one of the rising talents of homegrown music.
LA Mitchell: Live at the Matterhorn is a gorgeous album of her original music spliced with new tracks and reinterpretations of classics. The album sees Mitchell uncork a sparkling collection of seductive soul and jazz, that reveals her undeniable talent as both a singer-songwriter and musician.
Recorded live one special evening at the famous drinking and dining venue, to a crowd that was tightly packed in and full of anticipation, LA Mitchell: Live At The Matterhorn captures the magic of the atmosphere. Playing at the Famous Matterhorn 8 October - contact them on 03 849918
Monday, September 01, 2008
Here's Our Photo Album
Friday, August 29, 2008
What a month!!!
The technical problems didn't stop there though. We must have had a power surge in the studio I think as we also damaged the emergency backup power, the no.2 PC, 2 x turntables, on-air desk, CD player...
As you can imagine, there is a bit of a repair bill (although a big thanks to Phil for helping out). So, now would be a great time to donate some money to the worthy cause that is Groove 107.7FM. Remember, we are the only station of our kind in NZ and we, to date, have had no funding from anyone apart from our fabulous advertisers and donations from you wonderful listeners. Scroll down the page to find out how to donate.
On a personal level (and while all this was happening) I had the fantastic luck to have a successful Kidney transplant, amazingly from a complete stranger who wanted to do a good deed (while living)! I believe that this is only the second time this has happened in Wellington. After being on the waiting list and on dialysis for nearly 5 years it really was a case of prayers answered. I'm incredibly thankful to the donor (who I have not met). It all went perfectly and the doctors said I was their star patient. By the way, if you want to be an organ donor, having it mentioned on your drivers licence is not enough (in fact it's irrelevant). You must tell your family/next of kin your wishes. They are the ones who make the decision in the event of your passing...
Anyway, back to ramping Groove up a gear. Lots of new music to get on-air.
Stay tuned and feel free to contact us for any reason.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Friday, March 07, 2008
Carrara Park Jazz Picnic (Sat 7/3/08)
Free live jazz from midday from Deja Blue, Premo 4tet, Warick Murray and Jessie James and the Outlaws (who blew everyone away at the Parihaka festival) as well as music from Groove in between. The forecast is great so come and join us!
The park his a hidden gem, down the short path opposite Donald McLean St (see http://www.wises.co.nz/ for a map).
Entertainment runs until 5.30.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Jazz News!
The welcome return of the 10th avenue band from San Diego, 1 day shy of a year since they last performed for us. Tight swing and trad jazz on Wednesday the 20th of Feb at the Loaded Hog ballroom from 7.30.
Feb 24th sees Eric newton - popular English clarinet player - return once again to bring us that classic jazz sound at Old St Pauls. 5pm start. Both concerts are $15 or $12 for members of the Wgtn JAzz Club.
The 46th National Jazz festival is comming up over Easter in Tauranga. Stay tuned to Groove 107.7FM formore details.
Also, the International Festival of the Arts features some jazz artists this time around. Again, more information on Groove.
Supporting the community and especially the jazz scene, Groove 107.7FM, NZ's only cafe style jazz radio station!