You've asked for it many times and after sooo long, we're finally streaming online. Just
click the button on the wee player above to enjoy Groove 107.7FM live in all it's Glorious Stereo Retro Digital High Fidelity.
You can also 'tune in' on your I-Phone, I-Pad, Blackberry or Android phone via the Tunein radio app available for free download!
Make sure you tell anyone you know who's moved out of town or doesn't quite have Groove reception and would love to listen "They can now listen to New Zealand's only Cafe Style Radio station on this very page ("
I'm pleased to say that within 12 hours of our stream going live, Dan from IT Services and learning was on the phone offering to sponsor the stream, enabling us to keep running it at great audio quality and 24 hours a day! Make sure you call them to fix any IT issues you have on 021-026 028 23 or go to
Use the buttons below to tell your networks about the stream or with the 'Share on Facebook' button on the bottom right of this post.