We went out and got ourselves a nice new radio (on the right) so that everyone can listen no matter what country you live in.
If it won't work for you or if you'd like to listen while checking out our links or other web pages, use this
Alternate player link (Tunein radio) to play the audio stream.
Please let us know if the player doesn't work for you, along with the country you are in. Drop us a line at
chat@groovefm.co.nz and use the alternate player in the meantime.
Also let us know if it would be useful to you to have the other player back up somewhere so that you can 'Pause live radio' and not miss that great tune or interview.
Save on data!
We've also re-jigged the streaming doofer (installed and configured a new streaming encoder) so that it will now use at least
25% less of your data (good for mobile devices) but should still be CD quality stereo!
Have a listen. For example, if you have just a 3GB per month data plan you could listen to Groove for 2 hours a day, every day of the month! (128Kb/s).
(I feel like I could get a sales job for an Internet service provider).
The Groovemiester.