Music from the album 'Group Hug' - Wellington's Damien Wilkins & some kind souls have put together an eccletic mix of tunes, a little Neil TYoung, a dose of McGlashan and plenty of Graeme Downes intelliagenca! This is music to treasure. My favourite for the year, next to my treasured Avalache City.
theclosereaders.com or http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Close-Readers/134682446543456#!/pages/The-Close-Readers/134682446543456?sk=info
Also, tonite a bunch of ol' has beens from the Deep South the Chaps, lead by John Dodd. They're new album "Don't Worry Bout Your Age" is a real doozy! They specialise in a lighter touch of blues, jazz and honkytonk with an album of all new and originals.
Listen tonite from the Special Winter Time of 7.30PM only on Groove 107.7FM.
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