Groove has been super busy over the last week at the launch of the Fringe Festival, arranging artist interviews with the International Festival team and camping out at the Organic River Festical in Kiberly Reserve, Levin.
Fringe Festival Opening.
On Thursday (28th) Nite hundreds of sweaty punters crammed into Mighty Mighty to witness the opening of the Fringe Festival, now in its 20th year - Happy Birthday Fringe! Highlights were Raybon Khan, who compared, insulted the crowd (in jest) and untertook a one man stand up comedy show all in one! Also The One Night Stands (Cabaret Act), who sung Jazzy Brit Spear's numbers, impressed and (Festival CEO) Zelda's School Mam act, as she demanded the crowd quieten down for the formal side of the proceedings an act to see by it self! On our Flickr page you'll see photos and a brilliant shot of a 'girl' jumping out of a rubber cake - It's the Fringe, had to be done! go to and select the "Fringe" set.
The full Programme is on: River Festival.
On Friday night Dean and Pam upped sticks and headed for the Organic River Festival (29-31 January 2010). The camping grounds are now spread over two distinct paddocks areas, a vast improvement from last year as the access and general layout is far more welcoming and flexible. Management of the site improved too with greater security onsite and a zero waste rubbish policy including staff on hand to advise about what is recyclable and what is not.
This 'reporter' hit the Festival on Saturday and was treated to a swim in the local river, and a fantastic day of music and food. Mike's organic Beer was a highlight. Also a number of stalls offered vegan burgers, ice cream and other treats. Despite being a carnivore I was impressed with the quality and value for money of what I ate, almost makes me give up meat - almost! Musically, headliners An emerald City, who'd just flown in from Paris, were a highlight. Their swirling East-European musical offerings were mesmeriing and hypnotic. Medicine Crow, who performed earlier, put up a brave display, despite the earlier slot, and consequential smaller crowd and Jess Chambers won over hearts with her set. Watch out for that girl, she'll go far.
Roy G and the Bivinators played a brilliant set too. Their music is similar to John Butlers, wth plenty of distorted guitars and bluesy bass at the core of each song.
The weekend turned on a stunner. At one point I measured 29 Degrees down by the river, and even after sun down we were still in our tees and shorts. this year's Organic River Festival despite a smaller, lesser known line up of guests and artists was spectacular. With a chilled relaxed family atmosphere, low achol pressense and a good security and management structure, this is a festival on the rise. the Cherry on the top was strolling back to my car, some 50 metres from the event I was offered a lift on the back of the security guards' quad bike so i would,nt have to fumble around in the dark - all class! Check out and click on the Organic River Festival Set.